pub trait Config: Config + Config + CreateSignedTransaction<Call<Self>> {
Show 24 associated items type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>; type DKGId: Member + Parameter + RuntimeAppPublic + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + AsRef<[u8]> + Into<Public> + From<Public> + MaxEncodedLen; type DKGAuthorityToMerkleLeaf: Convert<Self::DKGId, Vec<u8>>; type KeygenJailSentence: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>; type SigningJailSentence: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>; type AuthorityIdOf: Convert<Self::AccountId, Option<Self::DKGId>>; type Reputation: Member + Parameter + Default + Encode + Decode + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + MaxEncodedLen + Copy; type DecayPercentage: Get<Percent>; type OffChainAuthId: AppCrypto<Self::Public, Self::Signature>; type OnAuthoritySetChangeHandler: OnAuthoritySetChangeHandler<Self::AccountId, AuthoritySetId, Self::DKGId>; type OnDKGPublicKeyChangeHandler: OnDKGPublicKeyChangeHandler<AuthoritySetId>; type ProposalHandler: ProposalHandlerTrait<MaxProposalLength = Self::MaxProposalLength>; type NextSessionRotation: EstimateNextSessionRotation<BlockNumberFor<Self>>; type UnsignedInterval: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>; type UnsignedPriority: Get<TransactionPriority>; type SessionPeriod: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>; type MaxKeyLength: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord; type MaxSignatureLength: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord; type MaxAuthorities: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord; type MaxReporters: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord; type VoteLength: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord; type ForceOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>; type MaxProposalLength: Get<u32> + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord + TypeInfo; type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
Expand description

Configuration trait of this pallet.

The main purpose of this trait is to act as an interface between this pallet and the runtime in which it is embedded in. A type, function, or constant in this trait is essentially left to be configured by the runtime that includes this pallet.

Consequently, a runtime that wants to include this pallet must implement this trait.

Required Associated Types§


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>

The overarching RuntimeEvent type.


type DKGId: Member + Parameter + RuntimeAppPublic + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + AsRef<[u8]> + Into<Public> + From<Public> + MaxEncodedLen

Authority identifier type


type DKGAuthorityToMerkleLeaf: Convert<Self::DKGId, Vec<u8>>

Convert DKG AuthorityId to a form that would end up in the Merkle Tree.

For instance for ECDSA (secp256k1) we want to store uncompressed public keys (65 bytes) and later to Ethereum Addresses (160 bits) to simplify using them on Ethereum chain, but the rest of the Substrate codebase is storing them compressed (33 bytes) for efficiency reasons.


type KeygenJailSentence: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>

Jail lengths for misbehaviours


type SigningJailSentence: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>


type AuthorityIdOf: Convert<Self::AccountId, Option<Self::DKGId>>

Map from controller accounts to their DKG authority identifier.


type Reputation: Member + Parameter + Default + Encode + Decode + AtLeast32BitUnsigned + MaxEncodedLen + Copy

The reputation decay percentage


type DecayPercentage: Get<Percent>

The reputation decay percentage


type OffChainAuthId: AppCrypto<Self::Public, Self::Signature>

The identifier type for an offchain worker.


type OnAuthoritySetChangeHandler: OnAuthoritySetChangeHandler<Self::AccountId, AuthoritySetId, Self::DKGId>

Listener for authority set changes


type OnDKGPublicKeyChangeHandler: OnDKGPublicKeyChangeHandler<AuthoritySetId>

Utility trait for handling DKG public key changes


type ProposalHandler: ProposalHandlerTrait<MaxProposalLength = Self::MaxProposalLength>

Proposer handler trait


type NextSessionRotation: EstimateNextSessionRotation<BlockNumberFor<Self>>

A type that gives allows the pallet access to the session progress


type UnsignedInterval: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>

Number of blocks of cooldown after unsigned transaction is included.

This ensures that we only accept unsigned transactions once, every UnsignedInterval blocks.


type UnsignedPriority: Get<TransactionPriority>

A configuration for base priority of unsigned transactions.

This is exposed so that it can be tuned for particular runtime, when multiple pallets send unsigned transactions.


type SessionPeriod: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>

Session length helper allowing to query session length across runtime upgrades.


type MaxKeyLength: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord

MaxLength for keys


type MaxSignatureLength: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord

MaxLength for signature


type MaxAuthorities: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord

Max authorities to store


type MaxReporters: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord

Max reporters to store


type VoteLength: Get<u32> + Default + TypeInfo + MaxEncodedLen + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord

Length of encoded proposer vote


type ForceOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>

The origin which may forcibly reset parameters or otherwise alter privileged attributes.


type MaxProposalLength: Get<u32> + Debug + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Ord + TypeInfo

Max length of a proposal


type WeightInfo: WeightInfo
