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Technical Roadmap


The Webb protocol is the first protocol built by Webb Technologies. It is a non-custodial private bridge protocol that uses smart contracts to bootstrap a zero-knowledge bridge. It is designed to work in all possible smart contracting environments. The current working repos for this protocol are targeting the EVM & Rust based chains such as Substrate.


The goals for the protocol are to grow into a trustless, private bridge overlying existing cross-chain communication protocols such as Polkadot's XCMP, Cosmos's IBC, or Celo's Optics.

We will use the following checklist to track network deployments.

  • [ ] Ethereum - as a smart contract
  • [ ] Polkadot - as a smart contract or parachain
  • [ ] Kusama - as a smart contract or parachain
  • [ ] Harmony - as a smart contract or comsos-sdk chain
  • [ ] Edgeware - as a smart contract or pallet
  • [ ] Cosmos - as a smart contract or cosmos-sdk chain
  • [ ] Celo - as a smart contract
  • [ ] Polygon - as a smart contract
  • [ ] Solana - as a smart contract

Protocol Implementations

We will use the following checklist to track protocol implementations

  • [ ] Solidity
  • [ ] Rust
  • [ ] Golang
  • [ ] Leo
  • [ ] Cairo
  • [ ] Ink!

Objectives - Q3 2021

A test EVM bridge deployment can be made between Ethereum, Edgeware, and Harmony's test networks. Networks with instability will be exchanged or removed from the bridge if needed. In order to do so we need:

  • [ ] protocol-solidity v1 protocol
  • [ ] relayer v2 w/ Webb protocol support
  • [ ] protocol-substrate v1 protocol
  • [ ] Upon completion of first two milestones, deploy a small capped bridge at $10,000 approximate value on each side.

protocol-solidity v1

  • Necessary items before deploying the bridge
    • [ ] Add governable wrapping limit, denote by LimitedGovernedTokenWrapper.
    • [ ] Integration tests on a single chain
      • [ ] Deploy 2 bridges, 2 comp tokens, 2 anchors, 2 governor bravos on the same chain
      • [ ] Case 1:
        1. Repeat steps 2-5 for each bridge:
        2. Deploy GovernedTokenWrapper1, GovernedTokenWrapper2
        3. Deploy a mock Token
        4. Add Token.address to GovernedTokenWrapper1.tokens
        5. Deploy LinkableERC20Anchor with GovernedTokenWrapper1 as the ERC20.
        6. Deposit
          1. Create a note that commits to withdraw on the bridge that was not deposited into.
          2. Deposit x tokens into one bridge, record the note.
            1. Deposit T more random notes into both sides of the bridge.
        7. Withdraw
          1. Generate the zero-knowledge proof for withdrawal
            1. Collect roots of each anchor
            2. Collect merkle membership proof for anchor deposited into
            3. Generate witness.
            4. Submit witness to the anchor on the "other side of the bridge".
          2. Submit tx w/ proof to the destination bridge.
          3. Mint tokens if no available liquidity is in the locked_pool.
        8. Verify balance updates in each respective token.
        9. Unwrap
          1. Deploy a mock UnwrappingToken.
          2. Add UnwrappingToken.address to GovernedTokenWrapper2.tokens

relayer v1

  • Relayer v2 is geared towards including chainbridge governance functionality. This means functionality for voting, closing, and executing proposals to update edges on the bridge. We want to test this with a sufficient relayer network and proposal passing threshold.

    • [ ] Deploy relayer v1 to test networks: Rinkeby, Harmony Shard 1, Edgeware Beresheet.

    Chainbridge governance:

    • [ ] Listen to events on both bridges.
      1. On receive event, pass to state machine and return a transaction / call
        1. State machine should update inner state and remove transactions that get executed by other relayers.
      2. If transaction, add to a queue.
      3. If call, execute.
      4. Pull from queue using a random number generator with a TBD distribution.
      5. If transaction. execute.
    • [ ] Define strategy builder class for building voting strategies.
      1. Use a state machine and local storage
      2. Strategies for honest and greedy execution.

    Transaction Relayer

    • [ ] Integration tests on all chains participating on the bridge
      • [ ] Deployment as described above in protocol-solidity v1.
      • [ ] Case 1:
        1. Relayer actions are executed in intervals of k seconds
        2. Expose an api: /api/v2/relay for clients to relay TXes through.
        3. On received TX,
          1. Verify & validate it natively.
          2. Store in a queue.
        4. Every k seconds, pull a batch of TXes from the queue.
        5. Submit them to the chain.

protocol-substrate v1

  • The Substrate implementation of the protocol should follow from protocol-solidity.
    • [ ] Integrate chainbridge-substrate to the repo.
    • [ ] Develop Anchor pallet.
      1. Bridge gadget using circom-compatible Poseidon.
      2. Graph functionality with access-control for Bridge/Handler pallet.
        1. Ability to add edge if called by governor/bridge
        2. Ability to update edge if called by governor/bridge
    • [ ] Integration of chainbridge-substrate w/ Anchor pallet tests
      • [ ] Define two Anchor pallets and two chainbridge-substrate bridges.
        • Ensure this can be done with the architecture (e.g. using instances)
    • [ ] Full integration tests with relayer v3.

Objectives - Q4 2021

A test Substrate ← → EVM bridge deployment can be made between Ethereum, Edgeware (Frontier), and Substrate networks like Kusama, Polkadot. For this to be possible, we need to extend relayer functionality to support Substrate's chainbridge governance and serve as an oracle over the merkle roots of our protocol's merkle trees.

  • [ ] relayer v2-3 w/ chainbridge-substrate governance & bridge tx relayer for Substrate
  • [ ] protocol-substrate v2 protocol
    • [ ] dkg-gadget v1 protocol

relayer v2 - v3

  • Once protocol-substrate v1 is built we can begin building the integration into the relayer v2. This means integrating chainbridge-substrate governance and transaction relaying system for bridge transactions on Substrate networks into the service.

protocol-substrate v1.X

  • We want to position the Substrate side of the network to provide various privacy services that augment the functionality of the bridge and complete useful revenue generating tasks. These tasks can range in the future from various distributed custody, social key recovery, and private information retrieval services.
    • [ ] Integrate relayer v2 into the protocol-substrate
    • [ ] Develop Relayer Election pallet
      • [ ] Proof of Authority system at genesis
      • [ ] Proof of stake elected system at first upgrade
      • [ ] Relayers register w/ necessary metadata
        1. Reward address
        2. IP / IPFS multihash / P2P node address / validator keys
    • [ ] Develop DKG pallet.
      • [ ] Store necessary metadata in pallet storage.

protocol-substrate/dkg-gadget v1

  • A DKG for Webb can become a critical piece of our scalability and network value. We initially are motivated by using a DKG protocol to generate a threshold keypair that can be used to govern the anchor deployments.
    • [ ] Design gossip protocol for running the DKG.
    • [ ] Integrate DKG as separate p2p worker running alongside consensus mechanism.
    • [ ] Add support for multiple DKGs if reasonable (depending on ability to generalise).
    • [ ] Add functionality for:
      • [ ] Signing ETH transactions for chainbridge-solidity governance.
      • [ ] Signing Substrate transactions for chainbridge-substrate governance.

Objectives - Q1 2022

Launching of parachains & live (capped) deployments for various tokens in the ecosystem:

  • [ ] Deployments:
    • [ ] Stablecoin sets: USDC / DAI
    • [ ] BTC sets: WBTC / TBTC / InterBTC
  • [ ] zk-gadgets - PLONK gadgets, updating setup, and dynamically configurable bridge.
  • [ ] Webb Protocol v2 protocol implementation in Solidity and Substrate/Rust.


  • Deployments to various networks should occur with a limited initial liquidity. Initial liquidity providers will govern the limit thereafter.


  • PLONK for the circom circuits.
  • Other updatable setups for arkworks circuits (whether Marlin works or PLONK needs to be built).

protocol-solidity / protocol-substrate v2

  • V2 comes with an upgrade to our zero-knowledge infrastructure by integrating PLONK as the targetted prover/verifier. We mainly want to work with updatable setups to build an updatable and dynamic bridge. Additionally, we want to research and plan for a way to tackle a variable deposit, interoperable shielded pool, which will likely depend on Halo2 or similarly recursive proving schemes.